Although they’ve been out for a while now, Intel’s Core lineup, Core i7, Core i5, and Core i3 processors, are still considered relatively young (for processor line marketing). Here, we will review the three processors, explaining the technologies behind them, Intel’s philosophy, and help you decide which one you should buy.
Rather than taking the traditional processor comparison route by showing you a bunch of benchmarks, game performance specs, etc, this review will focus on explaining the “core” of Intel’s core lineup.
Although benchmarks are useful for heavy computer gamers, they pretty much mean jack to the average computer user. This guide should help you pick out a computer, with a good processor for your needs, without having to know what “Cinebench” is.
Computer Processors Compared
Computer Processors Compared
Computer Processors Compared
Computer Processors Compared
Computer Processors Compared
Computer Processors Compared
Computer Processors Compared
Computer Processors Compared
new computer processors
Computers Tips & Advice : Different Types of Processors